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Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Masters

Usuis Shiki Ryoho Reiki Masters

4 weeks. Classes once a week for 3 ½ hours

“What I want when you enter the community of Masters is that you are clear about your commitment. I want you to be prepared to deal with all the different circumstances that are present in the Reiki world today … I want you to be present to your mastery as fully as possible…” Phyllis Furumoto

The Masters course is a 4 module, comprehensive course which includes the following:

  • Taking responsibility and bringing the qualities of a Reiki Master into your life.
  • Learning the Reiki healing attunement.
  • Learning the Reiki l, ll and advanced healing attunement
  • Learning the Reiki l, II, Advanced and Masters attunement
  • Learning what the Reiki masters duties and responsibilities are.
  • Meeting your master guide.
  • Meeting your totem animal.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Masters
Reiki symbol scaled

Master’s Registration Requires:

  • Reiki, l,ll and Advanced completed – in-person training
  • Minimum 12 Months post Reiki Advanced (ART or Level lllA)
  • 25 case studies: This requires 25 documented Reiki Healing Sessions
  • A Practical examination with an independent examiner