What is happiness to YOU?

What is happiness to YOU?

What in life makes YOU happy? As part of a friends book research on ‘Happiness’, I was asked to reflect on “So! What does happiness mean to you?” At first I my thoughts took an esoteric slant, I started to philosophise on what happiness was, the obvious coming to mind...

Embrace Change! Dance with Life!

Why does it seem so hard for us to change while at the same time life is all about embracing change? WHAT IS CHANGE? Change can involve different viewpoints. For instance, there is the kind of change that we desire, such as wanting to lose weight or make a lot of...
What is happiness to YOU?

Today I am going to be a radical success

You can have radical success…   The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal. Change your mind – change your life! Your self talk is the statements you make to yourself, they are your...

Thank God for my shoes – They fit

I woke up one day and I realised that there were many things about my life I was not satisfied with or better still, there were challenges that were threatening my soul. And I said to myself, “Why should anyone envy me and want to be in my shoes.”They don’t know how...
What is happiness to YOU?

You get by giving…

When you give to others have you noticed how your day rocks too , whether it is a gift, a service, a helping hand or a smile? That’s because in giving energy is released “two way high vibrational traffic” is taking place. The first energetic exchange is...

Have the Courage to be YOU!

Today have the Courage to be YOU,  living an authentic life equates to a life without regret. Inconsistency between the inside and the person we present to the world creates tremendous conflicts in our lives. In philosophy, the conscious self is seen as coming to...