Seichim Reiki

Seichim (pronounced Say-keem) Reiki is an ancient healing system that traces its roots
back to Egypt, with connections as far back as Atlantis. This grounded healing energy
manifests as an ecstatic, galactic heart energy, primarily designed to help individuals
overcome obstacles and fears through the power of pure love. Seichim is also referred
to as Sekhem or SKHM, and it emphasizes a deep, transformative connection to the
heart and spirit. This system promotes healing on multiple levels, enabling practitioners
to tap into profound love and strength for personal growth and transformation.

No other energy system matches the high vibrational energy of Seichim, which operates
at the soul level. Seichim energy supports you in taking responsibility for your life,
facilitating healing, growth, and personal and spiritual development, helping you to fulfill
your true potential and soul purpose.

While the applications of Seichim in treatments and distant healing are similar to those
of Usui Reiki, each system has its unique energetic nuances, influenced by the
Attunement process. In Seichim, there is often a spontaneous initiation into pure love.
This system employs Usui Reiki symbols, but also modifies them and introduces new

Seichim operates at a distinct vibrational frequency, enabling practitioners to direct the
energy and adjust its frequency as needed. Students are encouraged to be open to
guidance in receiving their own symbols, as many new sounds and symbol systems are
currently being channeled.

Pre-requisite for Practitioner Level is  Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki l and ll.
Pre-requisite for Master Level is Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Reiki Master and Seichim Practitioner Level l and ll.